Wellness Reimagined - Experience True Healing with Hypnosis

the best therapy alternative everyone tries last, but should try first

Hypnosis saved my life

I suffered with chronic pain for 20+ years!

My name is Kimberly Lynne and I spent over two decades looking for help for my chronic pain and illness when I then developed debilitating anxiety. I was unable to live a normal life. I was a shadow of the wife, mother, and human I wanted to be. I believed I wouldn't live more than another few miserable years. I was hopeless and ready to give up.

Doctors, tests, drugs, and supplements were useless to fix the problem.

Through extensive research and an unwavering determination to find relief from pain and anxiety, I discovered the incredible transformative power of hypnosis! With hypnosis I set myself free from PAIN and FEAR.

Kimberly Lorenz, CPHI BCHP
Kimberly Lorenz, CPHI BCHP

Inspired by my own healing journey, I embarked on a path to become a hypnotist and bring the same hypnotic healing and empowerment to my clients.

As a Board Certified Hypnotist (BCHP) and Certified Hypnosis Instructor (CPHI) I have developed my hypnotic coaching programs with the most cutting-edge, safe, and rapid techniques for transformation, and successfully helped hundreds of people take back their lives!

Transform Your Life with Kimberly Lynne Hypnosis & Wellness

In a world where the noise of our daily lives often drowns out our inner voice, finding true wellness and healing can seem like an elusive quest. You've tried therapy, you've read countless self-help books, and yet, the profound change you're seeking remains just out of reach. If you find yourself on this path, searching for a breakthrough, it’s time to consider an alternative that could unlock the door to your personal growth and healing.

At Kimberly Lynne Hypnosis & Wellness, we believe in harnessing the power of your subconscious to foster profound, lasting change. Hypnosis is not just an act seen on stages or in magic shows—it's a scientifically-backed practice that has helped countless individuals reclaim their lives from the grip of stress, anxiety, and patterns that no longer serve them

Why Choose Hypnosis?

Hypnosis for healing is the key to unlocking your fullest potential. It’s a bridge to the deepest parts of your mind, where true transformation can take place. When traditional therapy and medications have not provided the relief you seek, hypnosis offers a powerful solution.

  • Deep, Sustainable Healing: Break free from the vicious loop of victimhood and negative self-talk. Our targeted hypnosis sessions go to the root of what holds you back, facilitating a deep and sustainable healing process.

  • A Tailored Approach to Wellness: Recognizing that each individual’s path to recovery and wellness is unique, we pride ourselves on our tailored approach. Hypnosis for Healing adapts to your personal history, challenges, and goals.

  • Empowerment and Control: Regain control over your emotions, thoughts, and life direction. Discover newfound strength and confidence as you learn to rewire your subconscious mind for success.

Who Can Benefit?

Our services are designed for those who are ready to take a significant step towards transformation. If you are looking for mental and emotional therapy alternatives and wish to explore a profound way to achieve personal growth and wellness, you are the ideal candidate for hypnosis. Whether it's overcoming trauma, managing stress, improving focus, or simply seeking a deeper connection with your inner self, hypnosis could be the key to unlocking something extraordinary within you.

At Kimberly Lynne Hypnosis & Wellness we specialize in helping women of all ages; teens to adult, with transforming their lives.

Schedule a Chat with Me.

45 min. Zoom meeting



Complimentary Consultation

45 Mins
Schedule a Complimentary Zoom Consultation with Kimberly to see how her trauma-informed hypnosis can help you with what you are struggling with; from bad habits to fear, hypnosis can help. This is a 45 min. Consultation over zoom, even if you are local to Kimberly.

Select Date & Time



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The place for you to find resources to start feeling better right away!

Including free hypnosis recordings, helpful eBooks, and more.

Learn how to RELEASE stress, UNLEASH your inner badass, and IGNITE motivation.

Hypno-Aweome! App is FREE

free hypnosis recordings and resources!

The place for you to find resources to start feeling better right away!

Including free hypnosis recordings, helpful eBooks, and more.

Learn how to RELEASE stress, UNLEASH your inner badass, and IGNITE motivation.

Hypno-Aweome! App is FREE

Areas We Serve

Boise, Idaho

Caldwell, Idaho

Middleton, Idaho

Meridian, Idaho

Eagle, Idaho

Kuna, Idaho

Nampa, Idaho

Star, Idaho

Mountain Home, Idaho

We proudly serve clients

located all across the United States.

Transform your life at Lorenz Hypnosis. Lasting change for stress, self-doubt, fears, and more online or in-office. Join our hundreds of happy clients today.



Hypnosis is the best alternative to therapy for healing and recovery from trauma.

Even though I call myself a hypnotist, what I really do is hypnotherapy which uses powerful hypnotic affirmations to aid in transformation.

Lorenz Hypnosis

39 W Pine Ave

Meridian, id 83642


Pride Flag

Kimberly Lynne


39 W Pine Ave

Meridian, id 83642


Certified Master Hypnotist
Certified Hypnosis Professional
Advanced 5-Path
Certified 7th Path Self-Hypnosis Teacher
Board Certified Hypnotists

Disclaimer: Services rendered by a hypnotist are held out to the public as nontherapeutic motivational and meditative coaching, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. Services rendered are not any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, we make no health benefit claims for our services. Our work is supportive and educational, intended to enhance productivity, effectiveness and flourishing.

Testimonials: The testimonials and success stories shared on this website are the personal experiences of our clients. Results may vary and are not guaranteed. Hypnosis and coaching outcomes depend on various factors, including individual commitment and willingness to actively participate in the process. While we strive to provide accurate and honest representations of our services' potential, we recommend consulting with a qualified professional before making any decisions based on the testimonials presented.

Disclaimer: Services rendered by a hypnotist are held out to the public as nontherapeutic motivational and meditative coaching, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. Services rendered are not any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, we make no health benefit claims for our services. Our work is supportive and educational, intended to enhance productivity, effectiveness and flourishing.

Testimonials: The testimonials and success stories shared on this website are the personal experiences of our clients. Results may vary and are not guaranteed. Hypnosis and coaching outcomes depend on various factors, including individual commitment and willingness to actively participate in the process. While we strive to provide accurate and honest representations of our services' potential, we recommend consulting with a qualified professional before making any decisions based on the testimonials presented.

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